In 1525, the Archbishop of Glasgow put the colourfully worded ‘Mother of all Curses’ on the ‘Reivers’ – English and Scottish sheep rustlers and robbers who terrorised the border lands between the two countries.
The artist Gordon Young took the curse and sandblasted it upon a 7.5 tonne granite boulder that now sits on an 80 metre walkway in the town. This path, also made from granite, is called the ‘Reiver Pavement’ and features the names of the families on whom the curse was originally directed.
Andrew Wallace’s Carlise involvement in the collaborative project was the key development and layout of the granite walkway, amphitheatre and the design of the undulating corten steel wall that lights and displays historic artefacts.
Even before it was installed there was an outcry from various members of the church who saw the stone as a shrine for devil worship, and it eventually became blamed for the foot and mouth crisis.
This project was undertaken while in the employment of bdp who were the lead consultants on the project.
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